The advantages of a logistics software integration for your online store

Martin Jezy05 November 2023

Are you considering outsourcing the logistics of your online shop and wondering what a logistics software integration is, how it works and what exactly logistics software does?

We will answer these questions and show you why logistics software integration is the key to success in online business!

  • What (logistics software) integration means
  • What a logistics software is and how it works
  • How your shop system is integrated into the logistics software
  • The advantages of integrating your online shop
  • How software integration automates your logistics

What (logistics software) integration means

  • In fulfilment, the term "integration" refers to a connection between two programmes that enables communication between your online shop and the logistics software of the fulfilment company, for example.

Once connected, your online shop automatically transfers orders to the logistics system. No manual input, no errors, just pure efficiency.


What logistics software is and how it works

Logistics software is at the heart of the fulfilment process. It is responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of orders and coordinating all logistics activities between a company and its fulfilment provider.

In most cases, logistics software runs web-based. This means that you can access it from anywhere.

That's why we also call our logistics software - the Connector - a "web app", or "logistics tool". It forms the interface between your online shop and the warehouse of the fulfilment company. All order data is also recorded and managed here.

An example of our innovative logistics software, the Connector. To be seen here: The clear logistics dashboard.

As soon as a customer places an order in your online shop, it is automatically transmitted to the logistics software. The programme records all relevant information such as product number, quantity, delivery address and shipping options. This eliminates the need to manually enter order data and avoids potential errors.

Furthermore, logistics software is closely linked to the warehouse of the fulfilment company. It enables smooth communication between the two systems so that warehouse staff can see and process orders directly. When an order is received, it is immediately forwarded to the relevant warehouse and the staff can start picking and packing the products.

How to integrate a shop system into the logistics software

The fulfilment company usually takes care of the technical integration! You don't have to do much except sit back and watch how everything is perfectly connected.

  1. The integration between an online shop system and a logistics software per se, is usually done via an interface ("API") that is supported by both systems.
  2. Now it gets a bit technical: once the connection is established, you can customise the data transfer between the systems. This includes, for example, the "mapping" of the corresponding data fields between your online shop and the logistics software.

    Sounds complicated, but it's not! It is simply a matter of mapping information such as product name, quantity, delivery address, shipping options, etc. so that they can be transferred correctly.
  3. When a customer places an order in your online shop, it is automatically transferred to the logistics software. This can be done either in real time, if there is a direct connection, or at regular intervals, via so-called "batch" or batch processing.

Integrating the shop system is the first step in working with a fulfilment provider with whom you would like to outsource your logistics. The fulfilment team accompanies you through all processes in onboarding. In the course of this, your products are created in the logistics software and sorted in the warehouse of the fulfilment provider.

This way, each of your products can be correctly assigned and processed.

With us, the integration of shop systems usually only takes a few minutes, as we have ready-made interfaces to all common online shops, ERP systems and marketplaces.

Be it Shopify, WooCommerce, Prestashop, Plentymarkets, Billbee, Xentral or Amazon. No problem at all! Our logistics cockpit, the Connector, developed in-house by logistics experts, is being further improved every day and geared towards optimum efficiency. Find out more.

The advantages of a logistics software integration of your online shop

Why is integration so practical? Well, it brings a whole range of benefits! 

  •   Integrations save time:

Instead of manually entering order data into the logistics system, the transfer takes place automatically. This means less work for you and your team and more time for important tasks like growing your business.

  •   Integrations reduce errors:

Manual entries are prone to errors and can lead to delayed or even incorrectly shipped orders. With a properly set up software integration, these errors are reduced to a minimum! Orders are submitted accurately and correctly, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

  •   Integrations deliver data:

Data is golden! Integrating your online shop system with logistics software gives you access to all information - in real time! You can see the status of your orders, monitor stock levels and track deliveries - all with just a few clicks! This means you always have an overview and can react quickly to problems.

  •   Integrations are scalable:

Software integrations give you great flexibility! As your business grows, you don't have to worry about whether your logistics software can keep up. Integrations make it easy to add new products, incorporate other warehouse locations and seamlessly integrate your fulfilment provider into your expansion plans.

Bottom line: If you want to put the logistics of your online shop in experienced hands, you should definitely consider integrating with a fulfilment provider. They bring efficiency, accuracy and real-time information to your business.

With a seamless connection between your online shop and logistics software, you can focus on what's really important: the growth of your online shop and the satisfaction of your customers.

How software integration scales your business and automates your logistics

Now you know a lot about what logistics software is and the benefits of integration. But the best is yet to come!

The many useful features of logistics software, improve the workflow of your business at every level and free up resources to grow and penetrate new markets!

  • Inventory management: 

The software records current stock levels and allows for accurate monitoring of available products. It automatically transmits the current stock and tracking numbers back to the shop system via the interface.

This keeps you up to date, helps you avoid bottlenecks and ensures that there is always enough stock.

  • Order management:

The logistics tool organises and manages all incoming orders. You can track the status of each order, from order acceptance to dispatch. This avoids chaos, creates transparency and allows you to plan ahead accordingly. 

  • Shipping optimisation:

The logistics software calculates all shipping options for each order, from which fulfilment customers can choose the most cost-effective and fastest shipping method for them.

  • Tracking and notifications:

You can track your orders in real time and your customers receive automatic notifications about the shipping status and estimated delivery time. Our connector alerts you - among other things - automatically when certain products in stock are running low.

  • Reports:

Detailed reports on orders, stock levels, shipping costs and much more are delivered up to date by the logistics software. This gives you valuable insight into your business and allows you to make informed decisions. Plus, our dashboard in the Connector shows you the most important data at a glance.

Instead of spending hours processing orders and shipping parcels, you can focus on growing your business and attracting new customers. Benefit from the automation of your logistics by integrating your online shop with an innovative logistics software like our Connector!


Set your business up for growth and your logistics will scale with it. With an integrated solution, you're ready for change and can easily adapt to new situations. 



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