Best practices: Logistics automation for Cyber Week

Martin Jezy16 September 20248 min

The peak season in e-commerce offers incredible sales opportunities - but only if both your logistics and your marketing function smoothly. Whether maximising profits, flexible scalability or effective advertising campaigns: Automated solutions in both areas are the key to staying on top of things during peak times!

Find out how you can use automation not only to boost your growth, but also to control costs, optimise marketing measures and avoid mistakes - so you can get the most out of your business during peak season!

Don't miss our upcoming webinar!

Our CEO Georg Weiß and James Langer from Shopstory will dive deep into automation best practices, both in logistics and marketing, to show you how to efficiently scale and optimise your business during peak season. 

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Cyber Week: The biggest challenge for logistics & marketing

The peak season, from Black Friday to Christmas sales, poses immense challenges for every marketing and logistics department of an e-commerce company. Making the most of these peak periods not only means achieving higher sales, but also avoiding errors through efficient processes, delivering to customers on time and precisely targeting marketing campaigns. This is where automation solutions come in to optimise not only logistics but also marketing, thereby maximising sales and making processes more efficient.

Are you unsure whether outsourcing logistics and automating your marketing is worthwhile for you? Don't worry! In these 8 points, we highlight the best approaches to peak season logistics and show you how effective they can be!

  • In the webinar, you will also learn the best practices in marketing: we will show you in detail the best ways to automate your marketing. Register now!

8 strategic approaches for smooth Cyber Week logistics

1. Ensure scalability

‘My business must be able to scale up flexibly during peak season so that I can fulfil every order without any problems.’

One of the biggest advantages of logistics automation is the ability to scale up quickly. During peak season, order volumes often explode, and it can be challenging to keep up with these volumes. Instead of worrying about additional warehouse space or staff, your fulfilment service provider like Quivo will take care of this. You can sit back and relax as the automation ensures that your logistics dynamically adapts to the increasing demand.

2. Ensure error-free and fast delivery

‘My customers expect fast and error-free deliveries during peak season - it simply has to work smoothly.’

During the peak season, customers not only expect their orders to arrive on time, but also that they are error-free. A single mistake in logistics can quickly lead to dissatisfaction. Automation helps to minimise errors by reducing human error and ensuring that processes run smoothly from order to delivery.You can guarantee your customers a fast and reliable delivery, which ultimately strengthens your reputation.

3. Reduction of manual workload

‘I want to reduce the manual workload in logistics as much as possible to relieve my team.’

Peak season often brings a flood of orders that can push your team to its limits. Manual work at such times is not only tiring, but also prone to errors. By automating logistics processes, you can significantly reduce the burden on your team. As a fulfilment provider, Quivo takes over the handling of storage, packaging and shipping so that you can concentrate fully on the business and strategic planning.

4. Optimisation of warehousing and inventory management

‘I need reliable inventory management so that I always have enough products in stock during the peak season.’

During the peak season, it is a challenge to always have exactly the right amount of stock - too little leads to stock-outs, too much ties up capital unnecessarily. Automated inventory management systems help you to keep exactly the overview you need. They analyse data in real time and ensure that you can always optimally align your stocks with current demand. This prevents bottlenecks and ensures that you are always able to deliver.5. reduction of the returns rate

5. Reduction of the returns rate

‘In the peak season, I absolutely have to minimise the number of returns to avoid unnecessary costs.’

Returns are a tiresome topic - especially during the peak season. Incorrect deliveries or the wrong items not only cause additional work, but also costs. If you automate your logistics processes, you can significantly reduce the error rate. The processes become more precise and efficient, which leads to fewer incorrect shipments and therefore fewer returns. This not only saves you time and money, but also increases customer satisfaction.

6. Increase customer loyalty through excellent service

‘I want to offer my customers perfect service, even in the high season, so that they stay with me in the long term.’

Competition for customers' favour is particularly fierce during the high season. Excellent service can make the difference between a customer ordering from you or a competitor. With automated logistics processes, you can ensure that your customers receive their orders quickly and without any problems. A smooth experience, especially in stressful times, means that customers will remember you and order from you again in the future.

7. Focus on your core business during peak season

‘During peak season, I want to concentrate on marketing and sales and know that the logistics are in good hands.’

The peak season requires you to be fully committed to sales, marketing and customer service. You don't have time to take care of the complex logistics. This is exactly where we come in as a fulfilment provider: We take care of all the logistics for you - from storage to dispatch - and give you the freedom to concentrate on what really matters. This allows you to strategically develop your business and focus all your energy on growth.

8. Improving transparency and data analysis

‘I need a clear overview of my logistics at all times during the peak season so that I can react quickly.’

One major advantage of automation is improved transparency. Automated systems provide you with important data and analyses on your stock levels, shipping times and costs in real time. This information helps you to make informed decisions and react quickly to potential bottlenecks. You have full control over your logistics without having to get lost in the details - and can thus ensure that you maintain an overview even during peak season.


With Quivo, you can rely on your logistics to scale seamlessly, without manual bottlenecks or errors. This frees you up to focus on other important aspects of your business, while we ensure that every order is delivered exactly when it should be.



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